Sharia-Based Hajj Fund Investment as a Service for Future Pilgrims

Sharia-Based Hajj Fund Investment as a Service for Future Pilgrims

BPKH: Sharia-Based Hajj Fund Investment as a Service for Future Pilgrims

Jakarta, the Head of the Hajj Fund Management Agency (BPKH) Executive Board – Anggito Abimanyu said that since 2009 the Ministry of Religious Affairs has placed hajj funds in State Sukuk in the form of SDHI (Indonesian Hajj Fund Sukuk). Moreover since 2017, BPKH has invested in sharia-based Hajj funds in the form of Government Sharia Securities (SBSN)-PBS (Project Based Sukuk), both with Ijarah contracts. The results of the development of the State Sukuk investment have been optimally utilized to provide services to the Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims.

“BPKH’s investment in State Sukuk is very useful for financing the services of the Indonesian Hajj Pilgrims and reducing funding sources from the APBN,” said Anggito in response to the news that kept circulating regarding the Hajj Fund, on Tuesday (23/02).

BPKH is established based on the mandate of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 34 of 2014 concerning Hajj Fund Management. The investments are carried out in a professional, accountable, transparent and accessible manner on the official website www.


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