Hajj Fund Management Agency (BPKH) as an institution in charge of managing Hajj funds which includes the receipt, development, expenditure, and financial accountability of Hajj according to the mandate of Law No. 34 of 2014, is continually committed to supporting a better Hajj organization in Indonesia.
In three years, BPKH has been able to record an increase in managed hajj funds despite the difficult situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic and economic contraction. The balance of hajj funds managed by BPKH in 2020 was Rp143.1 trillion, an increase of 15.08 percent. It increased compared to 2019 of Rp124.32 trillion. This achievement also exceeded the managed fund target set by BPKH in 2020 of Rp139.5 trillion.
Regarding the managed fund instruments in 2020, the invested funds was Rp99.53 trillion or 69.6 percent and the remaining 30.4 percent or Rp43.53 trillion was in placements to sharia bank.
Head of BPKH Anggito Abimanyu expressed his gratitude for the management of the hajj funds that exceeded the target. “Alhamdulillah, by the blessing of Allah SWT, in the midst of the difficult situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the economic contraction that hit worldwide including Indonesia, BPKH was able to manage the mandated Hajj funds as well as possible.” According to Anggito, the achievement is also due to the support and synergy with all stakeholder partners and community.
With the increase in managed funds, the value of benefit provided to prospective pilgrims waiting for Hajj also increased by Rp7.46 trillion, or an increase of 2.33 percent compared to the previous year of Rp7.29 trillion.
Meanwhile, BPKH Executive Board Member for Finance and Risk Management Acep Riana Jayaprawira reiterated that the funds handled by BPKH were professionally managed on safe and liquid sharia instruments. In addition, BPKH manages hajj funds transparently. The management is published, audited by BPK and supervised by the DPR. BPKH proves it by obtaining an Unqualified Opinion (WTP) from BPK for two consecutive times, namely the 2018 Financial Report and the 2019 Financial Report.
In 2021, BPKH targets managed funds of Rp147 trillion and the value of benefit of Rp7.8 trillion to support the implementation of the pilgrimage and the benefit of the people. In the near future, BPKH will launch the integration of the Hajj Fund system with the Ministry of Religious Affairs in a digital transformation program. (Public Relations)