Announcement of 13 selected papers, BPKH call for paper(belum)
Based on the results of the selection and verification carried out by the Committee on the 2018 BPKH Call For Paper activities, it is hereby announced that the 13 best papers are entitled to become resource persons at the 2018 BPKH Raker activities. The seminar was held on Tuesday, 11th of December 2018 at 08.00-12.00 O’clock. Following is the list of selected participants in the Call For Paper.

Note: The order of the names is in alphabetical order, not in the order of champions
For selected participants, please pay attention to the following things:
1. For participants from outside Jabodetabek, please arrive in Jakarta on Monday, December 10th 2018.
2. For participants who are outside Jabodetabek, accommodation in the form of hotels is prepared by the committee and transportation costs are borne by the committee with a reimbursement system in accordance with applicable regulations.
Thus it is conveyed, thank you for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh (May peace upon you)
Executive Committee