Helping Medical Workers, BPKH Distributes PPE Aid to RSA UGM Yogyakarta

Helping Medical Workers, BPKH Distributes PPE Aid to RSA UGM Yogyakarta

The Hajj Fund Management Agency (BPKH) distributed Rp1.5 billion in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) donations to the Academic Hospital (RSA) of UGM Yogyakarta as a means of helping medical personnel at the front-lines in handling COVID-19 patients. Assistance is given out in the form of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The distribution of 5,347 PPE was the first stage of the donation process and was distributed with BPKH Social Responsibility Partners, namely, the BAZNAS Yogyakarta Health House team. The donation was in the form of disposable coverall gowns, medical goggles, medical boots, N95 masks, surgical masks, sterile gloves, non-sterile gloves, medical head coverings and shoes coverings for the hospital medical teams who are always on duty every day to receive the suspected COVID-19 patients. The aid, which was handed over by BPKH’s Deputy of Internal Audit, Dr. Hadiyati Munawaroh, served as BPKH’s efforts for supporting risk mitigation for health workers who treated COVID-19 patients. “Hopefully, this assistance can be utilized and used by health workers in Yogyakarta, especially at UGM RSA, in dealing with COVID-19 patients,” he said. Hadiyati added that BPKH has a high commitment to tackling COVID-19 through its distribution of Beneficial Aid in several hospitals after having previously distributed PPE assistance to the Jakarta Hajj Hospital and the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Hospital Jakarta. “In addition, BPKH has provided assistance of medical equipment and isolation rooms for COVID-19 patients at the Jakarta Hajj Hospital and at the Makassar UNHAS Hospital, and BPKH has also provided medical equipment assistance such as ventilators and X-ray devices for Wahidin Hospital Makassar. The total of aid from BPKH delivered through its Social Responsibility Program, which has been distributed through BAZNAS as Social Responsibility Partners to these hospitals, has totaled more than Rp10 billion,” he said. RSA UGM is a COVID-19 Referral Hospital in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. As such, it requires operational support for medical personnel. The President Director of RSA UGM, dr. Arief Budiyanto, Ph.D, Sp.KK (K), expressed his appreciation for all of these Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) donations from BPKH in the midst of the current pandemic. “We hope that with the help of this PPE, we can provide better service for COVID-19 patients at the UGM RSA. This will increase the safety of health services due to the availability of sufficient PPE to ensure the protection of medical personnel and other health workers at the front lines serving COVID-19 patients,” he added. The provision of this assistance was part of BPKH social responsibility program that came from the value of benefit from the results of managing the Ummah Endowment Fund (DAU) in accordance with Article 17 of Law no. 34 of 2014. The value of benefit or returns of the DAU was used as a source of funding for benefit-based activities whose scope of activities included: hajj services, education and da’wah, health, social religion, people’s economics, as well as the construction of worship facilities and infrastructure. Source: BPKH Public Relations

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